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All Spring Break classes are opened to register now.
Space is limited, please register early.
Science & Math, School English, ESL, AP/IB Program, IETLS, LPI…… All Spring Break classes are opened to register now. Please feel free to contact your nearest branch for more information.
Space is limited, please register early.
Subject:University Preparation
Speakers:Alex Tang (Principle) & Graduation Supervisor
Feb. 5th(Sun)2 pm, Parker Place Branch, Richmond, 778-838-2938
Feb. 12nd(Sun)2 pm, White Rock Branch,604-598-2889
Feb. 19th(Sun)2 pm, Vancouver Branch,778-835-2938
Feb. 26th(Sun)2 pm, Burnaby Branch,778-995-2938
Space is limited so please register early.
* 美加名校教育硕士授课
* 针对日常生活常用对话,进行深度挖掘和提高
* 着重于口语和听力能力的提高,打破哑巴式英文学习模式
* 纠正发音和语法中的常见问题
Dannis: 2380
Richmond Yaohan Centre
A: #1030-3700 No 3 Road,
Richmond, BC V6X 3X2
P: 778-895-2938
Vancouver West Area
A: #268-5701 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC V6M 4J7
P: 778-835-2938
Richmond Parker Place
A: #1165-4380 No 3 Road,
Richmond, BC V6X 2C3
P: 778-838-2938
Burnaby Metrotown
A: #114-5021 Kingsway,
Burnaby, BC V5H 4A5
P: 778-995-2938
Richmond Parker Place II
A: #1755-4311 Hazelbridge Way,
Richmond V6X 3L7
P: 778-838-2938
S. Surrey White Rock
A: #205-1990 152 St,
Surrey, BC V4A 4N6
P: 604-598-2889